Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Opening Orders Not Entered - Continued

I did some investigating and found out it was TradeKing's order management system that rejected those Opening Buys (not the STI system) because I did not have sufficient funds in my account. I did have a Closing Sell order that would have covered it, but it did not execute until 9:32 after the buys were submitted. 

Even if I did change the time entry for Opening Orders to 9:30:30 as support suggested, TradeKing would have rejected those orders. 

To avoid this going forward:

I could change the Opening Orders to, say, 9:35 and hope that all the closing trades would be executed by then.


I could also re-enter them manually from the STI system after the Closing Orders were executed, releasing funds available for the Opening Orders. 

To re-enter rejected orders, click the check box on the left of the rejected trade. This would bring a popup box asking if you are sure you want to re-enter it. Click OK and the system will re-enter the trade.

I verified that the system is agnostic as to whether Opening Orders are executed at the market open or later in the day. I decided to delay my Opening Orders till 9:40. Please see my previous blog to learn how to do so yourself.

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